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Street dancer

Street dance

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Two street dancers performing in the URBANOS dance contest in Brazil.
Street dance, formally known as vernacular dance,[1] refers to dance styles—regardless of country of origin—that evolved outside of dance studios in any available open space such as streets, dance parties, block parties, parks, school yards, raves, and nightclubs. They are often improvisational and social in nature, encouraging interaction and contact with spectators and other dancers. These dances are a part of the vernacular culture of the geographical area that they come from. Two examples of street dance include b-boying (or breakdancing), which originated in New York City,[2] and Melbourne Shuffle which originated in Melbourne, Australia.[3]


Traditional jazz dance, having existed since the late nineteenth century, is perhaps one of the oldest street dances of urban America. Street dance is often considered urban folk dance. Since many concepts of urbanization have existed for a long time back in history, the point of which folk dance is to be considered a more historical street dance is often broad and unknown. Street dance and folk dance are distinguished by when the terms were introduced for, the term 'street dance' as a compound noun has been believed to have existed since beginning of the early 20th century, whereby Afro-American vernacular dance was becoming the most popular in the western world. Clogging is thought to be considered a very early form of street dance, since it evolved in the streets, factories and dance parties during the 18th century (or before) amongst dancers that were considered a part of the UK, Western Europe and Appalachian urban countercultures at the time.[4]
The hip-hop dance style b-boying and the funkstyles popping and locking are some of the most popular street dance styles in Western and African American culture. Those forms of hip-hop dance are the most prominently practiced street dances. These street dance styles are so common that commercialized versions have been professionally developed and choreographed for dance routines in pop, hip-hop, electronic, and R&B music videos. B-boying helped bring about street dance crew culture, whereby the dance crews would learn various street dance styles for impression and competition. These street crews usually perform in outdoor jams, leading to further styles of hip-hop dance. New Jack Swing (a.k.a. Swingbeat) was created in the 90's dance scene, which is also an respected style of streetdance. New Jack Swing is also an music genre, co-created by pioneers such as Teddy Riley.
Another example of a street dance is house dance, which is prominently danced to house music. House dance evolved out of Chicago clubs but grew and developed in the clubs of New York. Due to the modern mainstream popularity of clubs, street and fad dances tend to evolve more often in nightclubs rather than outdoor spaces. However, they may be practiced in outdoor spaces. Many rave dances are also street dances. The majority of rave dances are street dance styles since rave culture is prominently an underground movement. Rave culture, like hip-hop culture, is vastly diverse and there are many different music genres each of which have individually prominent vernacular dance styles. Amongst the electronic dance community, street dances in the form of rave dances are mainly revolved around a consistent rhythm and flow. Street dance styles like popping, tutting, and roboting, due to their futuristic-psychedelic theme and/or movements, have been widely adopted amongst the electronic dance community and influenced dances such as Liquiding. From out of the electronic dance community, street dances like Electro Dancing and Jumpstyle (an example of a rave dance) have emerged. Unlike many hip-hop dances, house and rave dances are usually heralded more 'fun' than 'competitive', although most street dances start like so before being adopted for competition or any other purpose since nobody legally owns them. Generally dances like the Melbourne Shuffle are not applied as a dance for battling, rather for dancing in the crowd at a rave party. This distinguishes rave dance from partner and competitive street dance forms. However, many people do perform rave dances as an expressively competitive dance.
Punk dance (also known as the thrash dance, or simply thrashing) is a form of street dance that is performed impromptu in large crowds. While the punk dance is considered a fad dance, its origins also make it a street dance. The dance originated amongst the punk rock community and was made popular by the band, Sex Pistols. The dance styles are most popular amongst hardcore styled music concerts or raves, as well as busy nightclubs. The most modern form of punk dance is hardcore dancing.
Adaptions to these street dances are today practiced at both dance studios and other spaces, i.e. studio hip-hop dance is the commercial version of hip-hop dance. Dance studios often dub the commercial adaptions as street dance, regardless to the fact they aren't 'absolutely' by true definition. Some schools use street dance as a form of physical education.[5] Another example is the Cha Cha Slide, and Cupid Shuffle, which are street dance influenced line dances. While line dances may be considered street, vernacular, or folk dances, they usually require professional instruction (or choreography) and integrate moves derived from studio dance styles.


Street dances are dances that evolve between people in a social environment, although it cannot always be determined as to how they actually do evolve between people. In theory, as one person comes up with a move that apparently looks good to another person, that other person tries to copy that move. Similar to chinese whispers, the effect is that the other person cannot absolutely perform that move the same way as the other person, thus leading to the dancer to create their own style or entirely new moves based on it. There is a small difference between entirely freestyle (improvisational) dance and an absolute street dance. While freestyle dance is random and a personal dance invented by a single person (even if it's based on someone else's dance style), a full street dance is a collection of the various similar dance moves and styles collected into one practice and regarded as the same dance. For example, when b-boying evolved out of early hip-hop culture, people came up with their own moves, and other people improved them. Street dances constantly evolve for as long as they are intermittently practiced and regarded as the same dance. All the moves danced to breaks in hip-hop culture was regarded as b-boying.
Sometimes it is possible to trace back street dance styles that were mostly pioneered by specific persons. One example is Locking, which is often regarded as being started by Don Campbell, who was a 1970s pioneer of American street dance. Most of the time it is impossible to credit specific people for street dances, since the dances evolve outside of professional dance environments, whereby there is no social and/or legal record. Street/vernacular dance pioneers also rarely have professional degrees in dance, thus distinguishing street dance from other modern dance forms

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united dance work

Kolaborasi Dua Penari Melambungkan United Dance Works

Dentum dinamis musik hip hop menyergap seluruh ruangan di sebuah gedung dua lantai di kawasan Kemang Utara, Jakarta Selatan. Sekelompok anak muda asyik berjingkrak-jingkrak, sementara yang lainnya serius mendengarkan pemaparan dari instrukturnya. Di belakang mereka, di salah satu sisi dinding ruangan, terpampang semboyan berhuruf besar, The World is Our Stage. Itulah suasana kantor sekaligus studio dan sekolah tari tenar United Dance Works (UDW).
Adhisty J. Kampono dan Yessy HutabaratYa, UDW, yang dibesut dua penari – Adhisty Juliani Kampono dan Yessy Hutabarat – telah menjelma jadi sebuah perusahaan tari terkenal di Jakarta. Sejak didirikan pada 13 Februari 2004 hingga kini, UDW telah mementaskan koreografi dan penarinya di ratusan acara terkemuka. Program musik dan variety show di berbagai stasiun televisi, konser musik penyanyi terkenal dalam dan luar negeri, berbagai peluncuran produk elektronik, fashion, hingga farmasi telah menjadi pelanggannya.
Kelahiran UDW berawal dari pertemuan Isty dan Echie di sebuah lantai dansa di Jakarta tahun 2000. Tak dinyana, pertemuan itu memercikkan ide bisnis, yaitu melahirkan sebuah dance production yang mampu memberikan atmosfer kerja yang nyaman bagi penari. “Saya ingin dihargai, tidak ada diskriminasi, karena pada saat itu dunia tari mengalami sedikit kemunduran,” ujar Isty yang menguasai tari Bali. Sementara Echie, sejak kecil belajar di sekolah balet Namarina. Bahkan Echie pernah menjadi salah satu pengajar termuda di sana.
Sayang, Isty kala itu harus merampungkan kuliahnya di Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, sehingga mereka mengendurkan ambisinya. Namun, saat itu, Echie mulai merintis jaringan bisnis mereka. Akhirnya, ketika Isty kembali ke Jakarta pada 2003, mereka berdua mulai tancap gas. “Saya menganggap UDW sebagai S-2 saya. Saya belajar bagaimana membangun merek, strategi pemasaran, cara-cara promosi yang tidak perlu menguras dana,” ujar Isty.
Berdua, mereka pun bersinergi. Keahlian pemasaran dan kekayaan jaringan Isty dipadukan dengan kehebatan Echie dalam produksi kreatif dan konsep artistik. Kala itu, mereka menggarap aspek branding-nya lebih dulu, khususnya logo. Selanjutnya mereka mulai mengkotak-kotakkan segmen pasar. Karena ingin fokus pada kualitas, mereka menembak kelas A dan B plus. “Kalau telanjur salah pemasaran, bisa-bisa klien tidak peduli kualitas, yang penting murah. Padahal dari segi bisnis, saya tidak ingin karya seni dinilai murahan. UDW memberikan yang maksimal dan itu ada harganya,” ujar Isty yang menjabat sebagai Direktur Pengelola UDW. Adapun Echie kini menjabat sebagai Direktur Artistik.
Awalnya, UDW bertempat di ruang tamu rumah Echie di kawasan Tebet. Belakangan, mereka menyewa studio di Jl. Bangka X1, Kemang Utara, yang dipakai hingga sekarang. Dana senilai Rp 500 juta dikeluarkan untuk menyewa plus membangun studio dua lantai yang kini memiliki tiga panggung.
Isty menekankan, investasi utama mereka sejatinya membangun jejaring dengan orang-orang kunci di industri tersebut. Termasuk, para penari profesional di luar UDW dan orang kunci di industri televisi. “Bisnis UDW sesungguhnya dimulai dari investasi nol rupiah. UDW hanya mempunyai bakat dan sumber daya manusia, awalnya hanya saya dan Echie,” ujar Isty yang berencana membeli lokasi yang mereka tempati saat ini.
Strategi membangun jaringan terbukti mujarab. Buktinya, begitu berdiri, UDW langsung dipercaya RCTI mengisi segmen acara dangdut. Terus terang, bagi Isty dan Echie, segmen musik tersebut kurang sesuai dengan pasar yang dibidiknya. Meski demikian, realitas berbicara. “Walaupun kurang sesuai dengan segmen UDW, kami lebih mengutamakan tampil di TV dulu. Hampir semua stasiun TV menggelar acara dangdut,” ujar Isty.
Betul juga. Setelah itu, mereka dipercaya di berbagai acara. Ratusan acara hingga kini sudah mereka meriahkan. “Baru-baru ini, kami dipercaya menjadi penari dalam acara HUT Trans TV. Selain itu, UDW tampil dalam HUT SCTV, GlobalTV, konser Rossa, Siti Nurhaliza, Lionel Richie, dll. Kepercayaan klien berawal dari branding kami yang menarik,” papar Isty.
Keberhasilan itu tak lepas dari tangan dingin Echie sebagai direktur artistik. “Sebagai pelatih yang perfeksionis, saya berpendapat latihan membuat kami sempurna,” ujarnya seraya menyebutkan hingga kini UDW mempunyai 40-50 orang penari profesional hasil audisi. Jika dirata-rata, dalam sebulan UDW bisa tampil hingga lebih dari 8 kali. Selain itu, demi mengasah skill dan memperluas jejaring, UDW kerap mendatangkan berbagai koreografer ataupun penari tingkat dunia untuk bekerja sama seperti Julia Mitomi dan Gerard Mosterd dari Belanda, The Beat Freaks, Luam Keflezgy dan Gigi Torres dari Amerika Serikat, Nishant Bhola dari India, dan Prince dari Filipina.
Sejak 2010, selain membadanhukumkan usahanya dengan nama PT UDW Indonesia, UDW juga merambah bisnis yang masih selaras dengan bisnis inti mereka, yaitu sekolah tari, mereknya UDW Dance Academy. “Tujuan kami membuat sekolah adalah menghasilkan penari-penari didikan UDW, berhubung pendidikan tari di Indonesia terbilang minim, masih kalah dari Singapura. Maka, ini merupakan salah satu sekolah tari modern yang pertama di Indonesiadengan kurikulum dan silabus sendiri,” Isty menguraikan.
UDW menyediakan kelas untuk anak berusia empat tahun hingga orang dewasa. Terdapat pula kelas privat bagi yang ingin belajar secara eksklusif. Jenis tariannya beragam, dari tari tradisional Indonesia, balet, hingga hip hop dan berbagai tarian kontemporer lainnya di bawah instruksi 8 pengajar. Tarifnya berkisar Rp 85 ribu untuk kelas single visit hingga Rp 1,6 juta untuk kelas privat.
Keputusan terjun di pendidikan tari sungguh tepat. Pasalnya, kontribusi pendapatan terbesar kini berasal dari UDW Dance Academy. Dengan 150 murid, Rp 50-100 juta/orang masuk ke kocek UDW tiap bulan. Jumlah ini belum terhitung dari pemasukan pentas serta dari bisnis propertinya yakni penyewaan studio UDW. Tiga panggung yang ada di studio UDW memang disewakan untuk umum. Tarif panggung yang mampu menampung 8-30 orang itu dibanderol Rp 100-150 ribu per jam. Meski demikian, hingga kini mereka belum kembali modal. “Targetnya tahun 2013. Pertumbuhan kami sendiri sangat bagus, 20%-30% per tahun,” kata Isty.
Emil Syarif, Vice President Divisi ProduksiTrans TV, mengaku puas bekerja sama dengan UDW. “UDW merupakan salah satu grup tari yang sudah lama bekerja sama dengan Trans TV. Sejak awal berdirinya, mereka sudah tampil di Trans TV. Mereka menjadi salah satu pilihan utama kami untuk penari karena rekam jejak mereka sudah terbukti,” ujar Emil.
Ditambahkan Emil, selain penari UDW sangat profesional, koreografinya juga unik dan tidak pasaran. Karena itulah, Trans TV memercayai UDW menjadi penari tetap dalam program Extravaganza dan DivaDangdut. Mereka juga tampil setiap tahun dalam acara HUT Trans TV. “Baru-baru ini, kami bekerja sama dengan UDW untuk coachingIndonesia Mencari Bakat,” imbuh Emil.
Ke depan, menurut Isty, UDW ingin berafiliasi dengan berbagai penari ataupun studio dance lainnya di Asia Pasifik. “Bisnis ini masih dalam tahap perjuangan karena sebagian orang memandang sebelah mata profesi penari. Menurut saya, penari tidak pantas dibedakan dari penyanyi ataupun pemusik karena semuanya berada di panggung yang sama,” katanya tandas.
Rosa Sekar Mangalandum dan Eddy Dwinanto Iskandar
Riset: Adinda Khalil

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Review Film “Man Of Steel” Ketika Superman 

menjadi Realis, Modern dan Humanis.

Siapa yang tidak kenal Superman? Superhero dengan ciri khas simbol “S” yang melekat di dadanya, kostum serba biru-merah dengan celana dalam merah diluar dan tak lupa lintingan S dirambutnya.
Saya masih ingat sekali (kalo tidak salah) di tahun 2011, Warner Bros merilis sebuah foto yang sepertinya materi promosi pertama Man of Steel, di mana penampakan pertama Henry Cavill sebagai Superman berdiri di depan semacam brankas bank.
Banyak pertanyaan yang timbul di kepala saya saat meliat teaser tersebut, apakah Man of Steel bisa melebihi film Superman terdahulu? Film Superman Returns yang merupakan reboot dari film-film terdahulu termasuk film yang banyak menuai kritikan dari kritikus film dan merupakan salah satu film superhero yang gagal.
Tapi menurut saya Superman Returns sesungguhnya bukan reboot yang buruk dari Bryan Singer, tapi hanya kalah bersaing dengan superhero lainnya apalagi jika dibandingkan dengan gempuran dahsyat dari superhero keluaran Marvel rivalnya. Dan kini Superman kembali hadir dengan plot cerita yang berbeda tentunya, kembali ke titik awal dengan nuansa yang baru dalam film Man of Steel.
Penggarapan film reboot ini dilakukan oleh Christoper Nolan (The Dark Knight) sebagai produser, David S. Goyer (The Dark Knight: Rises) sebagai penulis naskah, dan Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) sebagai sutradara.
Dengan adanya kehadiran Nolan yang telah menuai kesuksesan sejak film The Dark Knight dan The Dark Knight: Rises serta Zack Snyder yang menurut saya sukses menggarap 300 dan Watchmen, berbagai ekspektasi serta antusias saya akan film Man of Steel ini pun menjadi sangat tinggi.
Seperti apakah kisah Superman yang digarap oleh Nolan dan Snyder ini? Apakah kali ini cerita Superman akan lebih kelam dan humanis seperti Batman di The Dark Knight trilogy?
Cerita dimulai dengan latar belakang planet Krypton yang menjadi kampung halaman sang Superman terlebih dahulu. Kal-El yang merupakan buah hati dari Jor-El (Russel Crowe), dan Lara (Ayelet Zurer), lahir secara alami di tengah-tengah krisis yang melanda planet mereka. Tak hanya sekedar dilanda krisis, hal tersebut juga diperburuk dengan tindak kudeta yang dilakukan oleh Jendral Zod (Michael Shannon).
Demi menyelamatkan anak mereka dari krisis, Jor-El dan Lara terpaksa melarikan anak semata wayangnya menuju planet yang jauh lebih aman dari planet Krypton. Tujuan Kal-El pun sampai pada planet Bumi.
Tumbuh besar sebagai anak manusia, Kal-El yang kini bernama Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) telah menyadari perbedaan kekuatan dirinya dengan anak manusia lainnya sejak kecil. Kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh Clark ini dipergunakan untuk menolong orang-orang yang membutuhkannya.
Walaupun begitu, karena berbekal pesan ayah dan ibu angkatnya (Kevin Costner, Diane Lane) di Bumi, Clark berusaha menjaga rahasia kekuatannya tersebut dengan berpindah-pindah tempat tinggal serta memalsukan identitas di mana pun ia berada.
Namun rahasia tersebut rupanya tak berlangsung lama. Seorang jurnalis wanita bernama Lois Lane (Amy Adams) menyelidiki dan mengejar identitas sesungguhnya dari “sang penyelamat” tersebut. Tak lama ketika Lois melakukan penyelidikannya, terdapat pesan ancaman dari Jendral Zod dan pasukannya kepada masyarakat di Bumi.
Zod mengancam masyarakat Bumi untuk menyerahkan Kal-El dalam waktu 24 jam atau keselamatan mereka takkan terjamin. Apakah Clark mampu untuk menyembunyikan identitasnya dari Lois? Atau apakah ia justru berniat untuk mengungkapkan jati dirinya kepada masyarakat Bumi dan menyerahkan diri kepada Jendral Zod demi menyelamatkan umat manusia?
general Zod
Saya akui saya masih belum bisa “move on” dari The Dark Knight Trilogy garapan Nolan, The Dark Knight trilogy itu sudah jadi salah satu film trilogy superhero terbaik sepanjang masa, dan (mungkin) tidak akan ada film superhero yang bisa semegah dan sedahsyat The Dark Knight Trilogy-nya Nolan tersebut.
Mungkin Man of Steel tidak sekelam Batman Trilogi, tapi dari segi action saya sangat terpuaskan! (dan saya tidak akan pernah membanding2kan lagi dua superhero ini, karna mereka sudah menjawab ekspektasi saya).
Saya suka penggambaran Superman disini, lebih realis dan humanis, saya bisa bilang lebih realis karena semua pertanyaan konyol yang dulu ada dikepala bisa dijawab dengan mudahnya di film ini, seperti (maaf agak spoiler :p ):
- Simbol S bukan berarti super atau kependekan dari Superman. Simbol S ini merupakan simbol ‘Harapan’ dalam bahasa crypton yang kebetulan mirip dengan huruf S di bumi.
- Baju Superman dengan celana dalam merahnya hilang di film ini. Jujur saja, celana dalam diluar itu merupakan paling konyol sepanjang sejarah superhero menurut saya, untunglah, dalam film ini hal konyol ini dihilangkan. Dan sebagai gantinya, kostum superman terlihat modern dan macho. Hal yang paling masuk akal adalah asal muasal baju superman itu, karena sebenarnya baju itu adalah ‘baju biasa’ di kripton ,Jendral Zod juga memakai baju yang sama.
- Dulu diceritakan Superman akan lemah bila didekatkan dengan batu crypton. Dan dalam film ini tidak ada batu crypton. Superman akan lemah jika berada di atmosfir crypton. Ini terjadi saat superman dibawa ke kapal angkasa milik Jendral Zod. Disana, Superman pingsan dan muntah darah karena atmosfer dan udaranya tidak cocok dengan tubuhnya yang selama bertahun-tahun di bumi. Ini juga berlaku sebaliknya, Jendral Zod akan lemah di bumi jika tidak memakai helm ‘astronot’ saat dirinya dibumi.
- Dan dalam film/cerita sebelumnya diceritakan lois tidak pernah tahu identitas dari Superman, walaupun tiap hari dia bertemu dengan clark kent. Kalau dipikir-pikir, apa bedanya Clark Kent yang pakai kacamata dan Superman tanpa kacamata itu. Di film ini ke”super”an clark Kent sudah diketahui teman-temannya sejak di bangku sekolah, dan Lois tahu identitas asli Superman diawal cerita, saat itu Clark belum jadi wartawan dan Lois sengaja tidak mempublikasikan identitas Superman. Serta Clark jadi wartawan justru terjadi saat cerita sudah selesai, Jendral Zod tewas dan Clark kent akhirnya melamar kerja di Daily planet, dan saat clark masuk kantor pertama kali Lois langsung tahu kalau dia itulah superman!.
Man of Steel merupakan film dengan cerita yang kaya dan adegan penuh aksi, sayangnya feel dramanya agak kurang (menurut saya) bisa lebih maksimal bila diexplore lagi.
Meskipun begitu, film ini penting bagi tokoh Superman karena berhasil merombak unsur-unsur yang ada di film terdahulunya dan memperkenalkan unsur baru yang segar. Di film ini Superman menjadi sebuah tokoh yang modern, humanis, dan luar biasa.
Henry Cavill di sini menurut saya benar benar pas berperan sebagai Superman, sama seperti Robert Downey Jr. yang terlahir menjadi Tony Stark, dan Christian Bale yang suskes menjadi Bruce Wayne, bagi saya Henry Cavill benar benar terlahir jadi Clark Kent, jauh berbeda dengan pemeran superman terdahulu.
Btw bagi yang sudah menonton, pasti bisa menemukan Lexscorp dan mungkin bisa dipastikan kalau film selanjutnya, sang superhero akan berhadapan dengan Lex Luthor, dan bagi yang jeli, mungkin akan menemukan logo Wayne Enterprise saat Superman berkelahi dengan Jendral Zod diakhir cerita, mereka menabrak satelite milik perusahan ‘Wayne Enterprise‘ .Apakah ini pertanda akan ada Justice League? Just Wait and see…(@oomhamid)


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Obat Radang Tenggorokan Menggunakan Bahan Alami

radang tenggorokan 

Inflamasi/Radang tenggorokan, penyakit yang satu ini sering dianggap sepele oleh kebanyakan orang. Akan tetapi, faktanya penyakit radang tenggorokan tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata, karena penyakit ini merupakan salah satu penyakit yang patut di waspadai keberadaannya karena apabila penyakit ini dibiarkan begitu saja, radang atau infeksi ini bisa menyebar ke hidung, telinga bahkan ke paru-paru dan jantung yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit yang baru dan lebih parah. Maka dari itu, bagi anda yang sedang menderita penyakit radang seperti radang tenggorokan, segera atasi sedini mungkin penyakit anda dengan obat yang tepat, ampuh sekaligus aman.
Di sini kami sebagai agen obat herbal online terbesar dan terpercaya mempunyai solusi pemilihan obat yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah peradangan seperti peradangan yang terjadi di tenggorokan.

~ Kulit buah manggis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, di dalam kulit buah manggis ini terkandung senyawa xanthone yang merupakan subtansi kimia alami yang tergolong senyawa polyhenolic yang dapat digunakan sebagai zat untuk mengatasi berbagai penyakit.  Salah satu manfaat terbaik dari xanthone adalah sebagai anti inflamasi/anti peradangan.
Penelitian xanthone telah dimulai sejak tahun 1970 dan hingga kini telah ditemukan lebih dari 40 jenis xanthone, di antaranya adalah alpha-mangostin dan gamma mangostin yang dipercaya memiliki kemampuan mencegah berbagai penyakit. Kedua jenis xanthone tersebut dapat membantu menghentikan inflamasi (radang) dengan cara menghambat produksi enzim COX-2 yang menyebabkan inflamasi (peradangan).
Penelitian lain menunjukkan bahwa gamma-mangostin mempunyai efek anti radang lebih baik dari pada obat antiinflamasi (anti radang) lain yang dijual di pasaran.
~ Daun Sirsak. Salah satu keajaiban/manfaat dari daun sirsak adalah sebagai antiinflamai (anti radang). Inflamasi atau peradangan merupakan respon perlindungan yang dilakukan oleh sel darah putih dan senyawa kimia lain di dalam tubuh terhadap serangan virus dan bakteri akibat cedera atau kerusakan jaringan. Sejak berabad-abad yang lalu, daun sirsak telah dimanfaatkan oleh suku asli Peru untuk mengobati inflamasi dengan cara diminum seperti the. Hasil penelitian di Brazil pada tahun 2010 menyebutkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun sirsak memiliki aktivitas anti-inflamasi pada hewan percobaan.

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Christina Perry Tattoos

Christina Perri’s Tattoos

Singer and songwriter Christina Perri has over 50 tattoos, though we have only identified 45 of them.   “They’re pretty much everywhere. I’ve got one in every direction you look — between my fingers, on my arms, on my chest, on my back, all over,” she says.  Both of Christina’s arms are covered with many tattoos.  She started mainly with smaller pieces when she was younger but has added some larger ones recently.  Though the tattoos were done over a period of 10 years, part of what gives it a cohesive look is that virtually all of her tattoos are done in black and red ink.
With so many tattoos, there are a few recurring themes.  Christina has many tattoos representing her italian heritage, including a flag, a map of Italy, and two sayings in Italian.  She has three works of art: Michelangelo’s Sistine chapel painting, a design from graffiti artist Bansky, and a painting by contemporary artist Audrey Kawasaki.  Her love of music is represented through tributes to The Beatles and Johnny Cash as well as symbols like a guitar and two treble clefs.  She has tattoos for three different books: Twilight, The Alchemist, and Stargirl.  She’s inked her love for both her hometown of Philadelphia and her new home Los Angeles.
Most of Christina’s tattoos were done by artist Reverend Mike in Pennsylvania, but since moving to Los Angeles she’s been seeing Taka Tamada at Body Electric Tattoo.  She was extremely impressed by the work of Kat Von D, who did a large piece on her forearm.   “I kind of can’t believe that you can take a painting and tattoo it on you perfectly, but she did an incredible job,” Christina says.
Now 25, Christina started getting tattooed when she was very young. Her initial interest was sparked by her desire to imitate her older brother Nick Perri, a heavily tattooed guitarist who previously played in the band Shinedown and now owns his own tattoo shop.  “I started when I was 15 because my big brother had one when he was 15.  So I remember turning 15 and saying ‘ok it’s my turn.’  Even though maybe I wouldn’t have, but because he’s my big brother and I want to do everything he does, I insisted that I get one.”  After that, she was hooked.  “I just fell in love with the art of it, the self-expression,” she says.
Christina’s family haven’t always been the biggest supporters of her ink, but now they have come around.  “My family was opposed to my tattoos when I got them from 15 to 23, but now that I’m doing well they tell me that they are cute,” she says.  Christina has many tattoos in honor of her family including “mom” and “papa” on her arm and “La Mia Famiglia”–Italian for “My Family”–on her chest.
All of Christina’s tattoos have personal meaning and stories behind them.  “I get them all the time either when I’m inspired by something, by someone, or I want to remember a part of my life, or do something crazy — there’s so many stories for each of them.  It would probably take all day to explain them all,” she says.
Christina keeps adding more and more tattoos.  “I haven’t stopped for 10 years.  Every like six weeks or month or two months I always get a new one,” she says.  She comes up with an idea and then feels like has to get it.  “When I get a tattoo it’s pretty spontaneous, and it’s kinda a thing where I think about it and then I’m not satisfied until I get it, so it kinda happens really quickly.”
So what are all of her tattoos?  Keep reading for the explanations of over 40 of Christina Perri’s tattoos.

Right Arm Sleeve

Christina Perri Moulin Rouge tattoo
On Christina’s right shoulder is a woman hanging upside down on the Moulin Rouge windmill.  Christina told AOL ”On my shoulder is a painting of a french woman on the Moulin Rouge with armpit hair. My mom hates it. She thinks it’s satanic.”  The Moulin Rouge is a famed cabaret in Paris as well as the setting for the 2001 movie of the same name, Christina’s favorite film.  She’s confessed to a crush on actor Ewan McGregor and she cites ”The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return” from the movie as her favorite quote.
Christina Perri 1776 tattoo
“1776″ is tattooed on the inside of her left arm, right below her armpit.  She hasn’t spoken about the personal significance of this tattoo, but 1776 is the year in which the United States signed the Declaration of Independence.  The declaration was signed in Christina’s home town of Philadephia, PA, so this tattoo may be a reminder of Philly.
Christina Perri to thine own self be true tattoo
Beneath 1776 are the words “to thine own self be true,” written in the blurry typewriter font which has been used on all of her album covers.  This quote comes from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. It is Polonius’s final advice to his son Laertes.  Christina told The SF Examiner “Especially in this day and age, and in the music business itself, they’re words to live by.”
Christina got this tattoo as a symbol of how lucky she is to be able to be herself, especially in the music industry which is known for trying to fit artists into molds.  Christina was fortunate to have been signed after she’d already proven herself with the success of “Jar of Hearts,” so her label told her to just keep doing what she was doing.  She explains: “This [tattoo] means a lot to me because when I signed my record deal with Atlantic, there was this window where they could have changed me. You know, like put me in a box and changed my hair and changed my songs and told me to be this way.   And I very much was against that and felt very strongly about being completely who I am, the girl who wakes up everyday, and this is just me, everyday.   So kind of to remind myself I got this tattoo then.”
Christina Perri guitar tattoo
Wrapping around Christina’s arm is a red line which crosses right beneath the “1776″ and is anchored on both ends by musical symbols.  At first she had only the star at the top end, but then added this doodle of a guitar.
Christina Perri treble clef tattoo
At the bottom end of the line is a treble clef with a star.
Christina Perri Johnny Cash tattoo
Christina has the signature of legendary country singer Johnny Cash on her left arm.  “I love him as a person, not just as an artist,” she told Atlantic records.
Christina Perri roccia e rullo tattoo
On the outside of her left upper arm are the words “Roccia e Rullo,” which is a literal translation of “rock and roll” into Italian. Above it is another signature which I cannot decipher.
Christina Perri papa tattoo
In January 2012, Christina and her family had their nicknames for each other inked. Christina and her brother Nick both got their nicknames for their father: Christina has “Papa” in a red heart while Nick has “The Captain.” Their dad, Dante Perri, got the nicknames for all of his children: “Goomba” for Nick, “Babycake” for Christina, and “Babby” for Christina’s sister.  They got the tattoos done at Perri Ink in Los Angeles, the tattoo parlor that her brother owns.

Christina Perri has matching “Mom” and “Me” tattoos on the insides of her elbows. “Mom” is on the left elbow and “Me” in the right.  Unfortunately her mother doesn’t like it!
Christina Perri Michaelangelo tattoo
Below her left elbow Christina Perri has the detail of Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam” from the Sistine Chapel. The painting depicts God reaching out to touch the spark of life into Adam. She was so taken aback by seeing this painting in person that she had it tattooed on herself: “I spent some time in Italy and I saw it – like with my own eyeballs – but you can’t take a picture of it, so I remember being like ‘ok I’m gonna put that on my arm when I get home’”
Christina Perri broken heart tattoo
Beneath it is a cracked red heart.  “I got this in January of 2012, I remember, because I locked my heart up.  I quit love for 100 days because I realized I’d had a boyfriend my whole life since like kindergarten — which is good for writing material but then all of a sudden I really needed to focus on my career.  So I quit love and I got that,” Christina says.  The heart has has been broken down the middle and sewn back together to represent all of Christina’s heartbreak, “It kinda signifies my heart, like it’s a little bit cracked and ripped and stitched.”  The center of the heart has a keyhole because “somebody has the key, I just don’t know who.”
Christina Perri Audrey Kawasaki tattoo
Christina has a large portrait on her forearm done by celebrity tattoo artist Kat Von D.  It is the painting ‘My Dishonest Heart’, which is Christina’s favorite painting by artist Audrey Kawasaki.
She relates to this painting because she wears her heart on her sleeve.  She told WRMF “It’s just this really pretty girl with an exposed heart and I feel like that’s me, like how I live my life with my heart out in the front.”  On LA Ink she explained why she was drawn to the character’s face.  “She’s got this look on her face like you don’t know if she’s gonna punch you or if she’s gonna cry…And that’s where I feel like I’m at in my own life.”
Christina Perri Twilight tattoo
Christina Perri is a huge fan of Stephanie Meyers’ “Twilight” book series, and had the word “bitten” tattooed on her right wrist in the Twilight font. Below it is the Italian flag, a nod to Christina’s heritage.
Christina had her dreams come true when she got to write a song (“A Thousand Years”) for the Breaking Dawn soundtrack, but her tattoo predates her involvement with the Twilight franchise. She’s had it since 2009 and she told MTV “I’ve been a really big Twilight for years, since the books came out…I basically got this tattoo right when I read the books and became totally obsessed with the series…I just loved the story from day one.”
Why “bitten”?  It’s a reference to a vampire’s bite but also how Christina was infected with Twilight-love.  She connected with the story because she read the books when she had just been divorced and was going through a tough time.  “The word ‘bitten’ is in the font of the Twilight books, and I got it to solidify my obsession with the book. I thought I was ‘bitten’ with the obsession of the series … and the love story … and I still am,” she says.
Christina Perri Nothing is Random tattoo
On the outside of her wrist are the words “Nothing is Random.”  This saying was a on a Christmas card which she got from Jason Mraz, one of her favorite singers.

Left Arm Sleeve

Christina Perri LA shoulder tattoo
On her shoulder, Christina has a simplified version of the “LA” logo for Los Angeles.  This logo is used by the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team, but for Christina it’s just about the love of the city.  She told Radio Alice “I got the letters LA, which is kinda terrible and I feel bad for Philadelphia. I didn’t mean to have an LA tattoo, but it just kinda happened with my best friend who’s from LA, and it was kinda like a friendship tattoo where we got matching tattoos and she drew mine and I drew hers.”  Christina is from Philadelphia but moved out to Los Angeles to pursue her music career, while her friend is from Los Angeles but had moved away.
Christina Perri Philadelphia skyline tattoo
Christina said she felt bad for Philadelphia because of her LA tattoo, but she has a tattoo to represent her hometown as well.  Along her bicep is the outline of the Philadelphia skyline.  Because she has tattoos for both cities, she joked “I’m calling it my destination arm.”
Christina Perri bulldog tattoo
Christina has a portrait of her French bulldog Lexi on her arm, which she got so that “she’ll never leave me.”  Lexi passed away in May 2012 and Christina got the tattoo a few weeks later.  When Lexi died, Christina wrote “rest in peace now, lexi perri, our sweet sweet girl. we’ll always love you. thank you for 16 years of your love.”
Christina Perri maktub tattoo
On her forearm is “maktub,” an arabic word meaning “it is written.”  It is used in the novel The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
Christina Perri quarter tattoo
Christina got a quarter on her arm for her 25th birthday to celebrate having lived a quarter century.  “A lady liberty antique quarter for my 25 years of living,”she wrote.  This particular coin is a Standing Liberty quarter, which is an old version of the United States quarter minted from 1916 to 1930.
Christina Perri Stargirl Tattoo
On her wrist is the logo from Jerry Spinelli’s 2000 book Stargirl, which she got in February 2012.
Christina Perri Beatles Tattoo
Christina’s second tattoo is of the names of The Beatles – John, Paul, George, and Ringo – wrapped around her left wrist.  Christina got this tattoo when she was only 15 and was attending a Catholic school where she expected the tattoo to be forbidden, but she lucked out through a fortunate mistake.  “The funny story is that when I was in high school I wasn’t allowed to have any tattoos.  I went to Catholic school.  And my teacher came over when I was writing and he lifted up my arm and I instantly thought I was busted.  And he was like ‘John Paul, the Pope?’  And I was like ‘Yes.’  And he was like ‘oh, very good’ and he put my arm down and he just never turned it over and saw George or Ringo.”
Christina has obviously been a Beatles fan for a long time and still cites them as her number one musical influence.

Chest & Torso Tattoos

Christina Perri La Mia Famiglia chest tattoo
Christina’s chest piece expresses her loves for both her family and her Italian heritage. It says “La Mia Famiglia” which is Italian for “My Family.” The words are written in a decorative script accented with swirls and with asterisks as dots on the I’s.  Christina told AOL “My favorite tattoo is the one on my chest. My family means the world to me … and I remember that every single day just looking in the mirror.”
Although this tattoo is Christina’s favorite, her family aren’t fans.  She told radio station WRMF “unfortunately they hate it.  But I’ve always wanted a cool chest piece.  And I thought about what would I want on my heart forever.  I love my family the most.”

Christina Perri Ti Amo neck tattoo
Christina has “ti amo” written on her throat, which means “I love you” in Italian.
Christina Perri balloon tattoo
In February 2012 Christina tattooed a red balloon on her shoulder with the words “sometimes you need to let things go” forming the string of the ballon.
Christina Perri War Is Over tattoo
Christina has “WAR” behind her left ear and “IS OVER!” behind her right.  This tattoo is inspired by one of Christina’s musical idols John Lennon.  Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono rented billboards around the world reading “WAR IS OVER! (If You Want It) Happy Christmas from John and Yoko” in 1969 during the Vietnam war.  Two years later, with the war still going strong, they released the single “Happy Xmas (War Is Over).”
Christina Perri ankh tattoo
The ankh symbol on the back of Christina’s neck was her very first tattoo, which she got when she was only 15.  Unlike most of her tattoos, there’s no special meaning behind it.  Christina told Face Culture “I have no reason, I mean I don’t know why I did that.   But when I was 15 I wanted it.”  The ankh is the Egyptian hieroglyph for eternal life.
Christina Perri back tattoo
On her back is an image of a skull wearing a military helmet.  Its right eye is covered with an eye patch in the shape of a peace sign.
Christina Perri we can be heroes back tattoo
Christina added the words “we can be heroes” on back in October 2012. This a line from David Bowie’s song “Heroes” on the soundtrack of the film The Perks of Being a Wallflower, adapted from the popular book.
Christina Perri Banksy balloon girl tattoo
The silhouette on Christina’s left side is the largest of all of her tattoos.  The image is “Balloon Girl” by grafitti artist Banksy, which shows a young girl being carried away by the balloons which she is holding.  The artwork has special meaning to Christina: “It’s a girl holding the eight black balloons. It signifies my eight wishes — I made eight lifetime big wishes. The little girl is like me,” she told Popeater.
This tattoo involves more ink than any of her others, and was subsequently the most painful.  “I got it on my whole side, which was such a nightmare because it’s all solid black … I was in such pain. It was like six hours, and 25 minutes into it, I was like, ‘Why did I do this?’ But I had to finish. It’s really silly when you’re in it, and it takes like a whole day, but then you’re like, ‘Oh right, ’cause it looks awesome.’”
Christina Perri writing tattoo
In October 2012 she covered the writing above her Banksy tattoo with something new, though we’re not sure what the old or new writings say. She captioned the above photo “covering up the past.”
Christina Perri Karma tattoo
On her right side is the word “karma” written vertically  in large letters.  Christina got this tattoo only a few days after her debut single “Jar Of Hearts” was played on “So You Think You Can Dance,” skyrocketing her to fame.  The tattoo represents good karma for Christina finally achieving the success she deserved and bad karma for the hurtful ex-boyfriend whom she wrote “Jar of Hearts” about.  It is in the font of the “Jar of Hearts” single cover, which became the font used for all of her album covers.  Explaining its large size, Christina told KLLC-FM “I got that with my two best friends – who got it very, very little – and I had to be all badass and get it big, but that’s just how I roll.”
Christina Perri hip tattooo
On Christina’s hip is a tattoo which looks to be a crescent moon, but it is rarely shown.

Hand & Finger Tattoos

Christina Perri capo nodo finger tattoos
In January 2013, she tattooed the Italian words “Capo” and “Nodo” on the insides of her fingers. On her instagram she asked “which one do you trust?” It seems that the two words mean “head” and “heart,” though from what I can tell “nodo” more literally translates to “knot” or “junction.”
Christina Perri Powerless finger tattoo
Christina has the word “POWERLESS” tattooed along the side of her middle finger. College Times writes that she got this tattoo “as a reminder that she can’t control everything that happens in her life.”
Christina Perri penguin tattoo
Christina has a penguin on the side of her left hand below her pinkie, which is a matching tattoo.  Christina loves penguins and even has a song called  ”Penguin” on her album lovestrong.  “I’m a hopeless romantic and penguins I think are the most romantic, cutest little animals,” she explains.  “Somewhere in the world there is another one, one someone’s hand so that when we hold our hands together it makes a heart.  So this is just half of a tattoo.”
Christina Perri treble clef thumb tattoo
Christina has a small treble clef on her left thumb.  This is one of two treble clef tattoos on her body and is a symbol of her love for music.
Christina Perri heart peace symbol finger tattoo
On the ring finger of her left hand Christina has a peace sign in the shape of a heart.
Christina Perri palm tattoos
Christina has initials tattooed on both of her palms.  On her right hand is a letter “N” and on her left hand is “ST”.

Legs & Feet

Christina Perri bow tattoo
Christina has a tattoo of a bow on the back of her right thigh.  For all of the tattoos on her arms, Christina’s legs have remained relatively tattoo-free.  Perhaps that will change when she runs out of space on her arms.
Christina Perri Italy tattoo
On Christina’s ankle is a tattoo representing her family’s Italian-American heritage.  Christina’s father was born in Italy and Christina has spent some time in Italy though she was born in America.  The tattoo is a map of Italy in the colors of the Italian flag on top of an American flag.  It says “Perri” at the top and other members of her family also have this design.
Christina Perri grape vine tattoo
She later added on to her ankle tattoo with grape vines wrapping around her ankle.  Italy is one of the top producers of grapes for wine-making.
Christina Perri Mini tattoo
On her right foot is the logo for the MINI car company.  Christina drives a MINI and got to collaborate with the brand on a promotional campaign in 2011.  MINI wrote “For Perri, getting together with MINI was a no-brainer: it’s her favorite car. Not only has she been a MINI owner since 2004, but the car features prominently in the new music video for her single “Arms.” She’s even got the MINI logo tattooed on her foot. Now that’s real devotion.”
Christina Perri hold good tattoo
Christina tattooed the words “hold good” on the back of her ankles in June 2012.

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